The screening of the sequel to the hugely successful 2021 film “Dune” was held at Vox Cinemas at The Galleria, Al-Maryah Island. The sequel features just under 30 locations in Abu Dhabi, including the capital city’s Liwa desert, which doubles as the fictional world of planet Arrakis.
Some scenes in the sequel to the Academy Award-winning film “Dune” were also shot in Jordan. The new film picks up where the first installment left off and is Villeneuve’s continued adaptation of the 1965 Frank Herbert novel “Dune.” Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya, Souheila Yacoub, Austin Butler, Florence Pugh, Javier Bardem and Christopher Walken are just some of the names among the all-star cast. “Hosting the Middle East premiere of ‘Dune:
Part Two’ is an honor for Abu Dhabi and is also a reflection of the position the emirate holds as one of MENA’s (Middle East and North Africa’s) top film and TV locations,” said Mohamed Dobay, Creative Media Authority’s acting director general, in a previously released statement. The film will be released in the UAE and Lebanon on Feb. 29, and is scheduled for an April 11 release in other markets across the region to coincide with the Eid Al-Fitr holidays